Monday, February 9, 2009


Don't this look goooooood?!?!?!?!


X-MEN said...

In the word of Harry Osborne
"Mmm..So good!"

Anonymous said...

Yes it does look VERY good!!!

Zeruda837 said...

That looks...DELICIOUS!!!!!

Hannahxxx said...

That luks well nice. Wat is root beer? I'm 14 n from England n we don't hve root beer. Went 2 new York 1 time but never tried it! Is it nice? X x x

X-MEN said...

you have never had Root Beer??!! are from England.that is very cool.

Secret Agent said...

Hey! Thanks for visting my blog. :) Wow, you're from England, huh? I'm a huge fan of England! (I'm half English, myself.) And you're right in our age group. Well, root beer is the best soda pop in the world! And when you put vanilla ice cream with it, it's called a root beer float, and it's wonderful! I can't explain the taste... you simply must try some! Don't they even have root beer flavored stuff there?