Monday, June 1, 2009


Oh my word, I am soooo excited! Why? Look around! I just found the most awesomest website ever that has tons of the awesomest blog templates ever! I chose this one because it kind of sets the mood for the spy theme of this blog. I guess. (Minus the bows... but I can tolerate them. I mean, I like them; they just aren't very spyish.) Now I'm sure everyone will want one, huh? LOL Maybe. Well, if you do, you can find the link to the website in the top left corner. See it? (Just please don't choose the same templates as me, okay? There is plenty for everyone! ^.^ ) Yay. I am happy. (BTW, since the templates from this site go "over top of" the old blog template, you may need to change your old template first for it to work. I used Minima.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very very very very cool!!!!!